by Jessica Wood | Oct 19, 2014 | Uncategorized
Ugh!!! So the site (D2D) I go through to do pre-orders for iTunes and B&N messed up! I noticed yesterday that the pre-order date listed on iTunes and Nook says 10/25, not 10/20! I swear the date had said 10/20 when I first set it up, but not sure what happened! I...
by Jessica Wood | Oct 15, 2014 | Uncategorized
✦ ANNOUNCEMENT: Oblivion‘s still publishing on October 20! ✦ If you pre-ordered Oblivion on Amazon, you will be notified soon (if not already) that the pre-order has been cancelled. Due to issues with Oblivion’s pre-order, I had to unfortunately pulled it...
by Jessica Wood | Oct 6, 2014 | Uncategorized
Happy Tuesday! Guess what that means? Teaser Tuesday! 🙂 Here’s another one from Oblivion, which will be out October 20! You can pre-order you copy today at the discounted price of $2.99! Price will go up after release. ✦ Amazon:✦...
by Jessica Wood | Sep 30, 2014 | Uncategorized
**Announcement** Hi guys! I realized that I’ve been working a lot lately, and probably overextending myself, at the expense of time that should be directed to my family, my friends, and my health. This is not ideal for me, and I know it’s not a permanent...
by Jessica Wood | Sep 23, 2014 | Uncategorized
Tuesdays are for teasers, and here’s another one from Oblivion, which will be out October 6! You can pre-order you copy today! ✦ Amazon:✦ Kobo:✦...
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