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**TAMING DAMIAN Teaser** Because it’s Tuesday. Because I love my readers.. And because I’m getting really excited about TAMING DAMIAN. Here’s a little teaser from TAMING DAMIAN, coming to you later this month. I’ll announce the release date...

Are you ready for him?

Hi everyone! As you know, I have my hands for with that cocky Damian Castillo! I will be announcing his release date this coming week! Are you ready for him? Can you believe what he posted on his Facebook Page today??? Leave it to him to always turn a situation into a...

The Heartbreaker is LIVE on Amazon & B&N!

Happy Hump Day guys! Thank you for all your patience with the release of The Heartbreaker, the prequel novella to DAMIAN. This wasn’t planned at all (so don’t praise me!), but it seems so fitting that Damian’s prequel about his sex-capades before he...

The Heartbreaker Update & TEASER #2

Happy Sunday guys! For those in the frigid areas of the US, I hope you’re staying warm! There’s a cool sunny day here in SF, and I wish I could share it with you all! <3 So I hope you’re ready for The Heartbreaker, the prequel novella to...