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The Chase 2 Update

Hi guys, This was a very difficult decision for me to make, but I’m going to have to push back the release date for The Chase 2 to Monday. I’ve ran into some complications with the storyline that I still need to address. The book will be done tonight or...

The Chase 2 is Coming This Week!

Happy Sunday!!! I hope you’re having a great weekend! Are  you as excited about the release of The Chase 2 as I am? 🙂 I wanted to give you guys a little update. I’m currently finalizing the story, and last night, a whole new ending popped into my mind last...

The Chase, Vol. 2 – Cover Reveal

SURPRISE!!! In celebration of the release of The Chase, Vol. 1, I’m revealing the cover for The Chase, Vol. 2!!! The Chase, Vol. 2 will be out June 10, 2014. Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1oLzaKc. A HUGE THANK YOU to the always amazing Louisa M-Reviews at LM...

Kobo Readers: Taming Damian

Kobo Users: I received a message from a reader that her ebook of Taming Damian that she purchased from Kobo only contained the first five chapters. I’m contacting Kobo to see what the problem is and will try to fix it as soon as possible. In the meantime, if...