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***Amazon Pre-Orders for Promise of Forever***

[[[UPDATED ON 4/28/15 @ 7:40 AM PST]]]

Dear readers:

The correct version of Promise of Forever is LIVE on Amazon!!! It looks like it was fixed around 11 or 12am last night (4/27/15) PST. It looks like only some people who received their pre-orders through Amazon received the wrong while others received the correct file when pre-orders were sent out.

IF YOU WERE AMONG the people affected by the glitch, you should have received an email from Amazon by now telling you an update is available and you received the wrong file. If you did not see the email, it may have ended up in your Spam folder. The email contains directions for getting the issue corrected.

If you can’t find the email, that’s okay. It basically said, TO GET THE UPDATE: go to your account on Amazon, go to Manage Contents & Devices under Digital Content. You will see the book listed, and there should be a button that says “Update Available.” Once you click that, you will have the updated version. Just make sure to refresh your Kindle to make sure it’s synced with your account. If you continue to experience problems, please email me jessicawoodauthor@gmail.com and I can walk you through it.

PLEASE NOTE: if you received the wrong pre-order, please do NOT try to return and repurchase the book. It has caused issues for some readers. Kindle is set up to remember that you’ve purchased the book before, so it will give you the original version, regardless of how many times you return and repurchase. Repurchasing also confuses Amazon’s system to think you’ve bought the book after the last update, so the “Update Available” button won’t be available for you. TO GET THE UPDATE FILE, please get in contact with Kindle customer care and they’ll take care of sending the updated version manually.
You can reach Kindle Customer Support via phone or chat by clicking one of the links below:
To contact us via phone:
To contact us via chat:

 For those who waited to purchase the book, the correct version of Promise of Forever is LIVE on Amazon as well as all other sites. You can find them here:

Kobo: http://bit.ly/1wzcbaK
Google Playhttp://bit.ly/1ba4wW2

Thank you for your patience on this. I hope you enjoy the book when you get it!



[[[ORIGINAL POST ON 4/27/15 @ 8:22 AM PST]]]

Horrible start to the week and I just want to crawl back into bed and cry! This morning I checked my publishing page for Promise of Forever on Amazon and previewed the book (which is a new feature during the three days leading up to a pre-order release). I noticed it is the placeholder file that is showing up in the preview feature, and NOT the file I submitted for release. ☹ I immediately called Amazon and they confirmed that somehow the wrong file is being processed and being sent to customers who pre-ordered the book.


At this point, neither Amazon nor I can stop the book from being sent out. They told me they’re also locked out of the book. 🙁 BUT once the book becomes live, Amazon will update the book with the correct file AND Amazon will send out an email telling everyone who pre-ordered the book that they can now update their Kindle with the correct file (this may take a day or two after release).

I’m so sorry for any inconvenience this might cause you, and I’ll do everything I can to get you a copy of the book at midnight of release day (details below)!

This is really making me sad. I’m so happy with the conclusion of this series and the last thing I wanted was for it to be derailed by this mess.

If you receive the placeholder file (details below), PLEASE:

1) Contact Amazon. They should be able to push through the right file to your Kindle once it’s available on release day (~BY MID-DAY of release day). You can contact Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/contact-us/ref=hp_gt_comp_cu?ie=UTF8&nodeId=508510

2) If that doesn’t work, please email me at jessicawoodauthor@gmail.com. For those readers who want to read the book right away, I would like to provide anyone who has pre-ordered the book a copy of the e-book if you provide me with a screenshot/photo of the first chapter that’s in the file you received. I’ll email you an e-copy of the book right away while Amazon fixes the issue for you. I hope to minimize or eliminate any delays on your part to read this story.

**To tell between the book v. the placeholder file: The first chapter for Promise of Forever is the “PROLOGUE” while the placeholder file has “Chapter One” as the first chapter.

**This does NOT affect B&N, iBooks, and Kobo. You should receive your pre-order on your device tomorrow. Also, ARCs have been sent out to those who won one.

***For those waiting to buy the book (and haven’t pre-ordered), I will let you know tomorrow when the correct file has been switched over.

Ugh. Why me? ☹ I’m going back to bed.